Dear Diane,
Just wanted to let you know that the little red puppy is doing great here. He is back yard trained now, and is learning to use the doggy door. He loves our old American Eskimo, Juneau, and chases after him and plays. He loves his stuffed animals and is quite the fierce warrior with them.
We have named him Bodhi [Boe-dee] and he pretty much comes when he is called. He is VERY smart. It took him about 2 days to be potty trained using the method in the book you gave us. We really appreciated that book. He has his own little crate and is doing GREAT.
Thanks so much for this little angel. We keep telling folks about your other puppies, too.
Elena Hofmann-Smith
Past Puppies and Testimonies
Hi Diane,
Josephine (Josie) is growing and learning fast, and has a really good character. We all are pleased with her and love her dearly. Josie is doing great, She is completely recovered after that unlucky vaccination. And, YES, they had LEPTO included in the vaccine. I gave the vet all information prior to the vaccination, but she decided to do it anyway. Now, I made the point to the personnel that next time I will do the vaccination only when I see the bottle label indicating no Lepto, and I will not accept any prefilled syringe (as it was previous time). This VET thing is really strange. I have this Pet Hospital taking care of all my kitty ‘s needs for about 14 years and never had any problems. Well…, I’ll be more careful now.
Anyway, Josie is such a sweetheart, and is fitting nicely into our family. She is adjusting to her eating/sleeping/playing schedule very well. She has practically no accidents in the house. Often, she comes to the sliding door and lets us know that she needs to go out by touching the glass with her paw. We reward her for this.
Josie is such an eager student. She has already learned several commands “sit”(picture attached), “down”, “up” (picture attached), “watch me”. Right now she is working on “come”(coming back) and “let’s go”(walking on the loose leash). Yes, we are getting ready for the park. Meantime, we spend a lot of time on the backyard (if weather permits) for practicing, and playing. Here I attached the picture of my “Gardener’s little helper”. Oh, just forgot. We are also have a good time in a puppy class at the Petsmart, socializing Josie with other puppies of the same age group.
However, Josie is extremely quiet, barks a little bit only onto unfamiliar objects. Well.., we need to teach her a command “speak”, anyway.
I knew that poodles are very intelligent breed, but couple of days ago Josie surprised us. We have a china hutch and usually she crawls under it to get the ball. We had one of her toys tied to the rope and put under the hutch. She did not crawl this time, but pulled the rope to get her toy. No one taught her this, she just figured out by herself and now she does this every time. What a smart puppy!!
These are the latest news about Josie. Everyone loves her very much. Even our cat, I guess. The kitty just does not want to participate in playtime (she is 21 years old), but watches Josie from upstairs, always comes down to sniffle the crate when Josie sleeps and shows no aggression at all toward puppy.
Diane, thank you very much for the wonderful puppy and for your advice and support. I hope we will stay in touch.
Josie 13 weeks old Gardener's little helper
Josie 14 weeks old SIT-WATCH
Hi Diane,
Duncan is doing well. We love him dearly and are very glad we got him. He is happy, a little territorial and grumpy at times, but overall a pretty happy camper. He is also very smart. I wash his face (eyes) every night and all i have to do is grab a washcloth and turn on the water and he knows it's time to wash his face. It's really cute.
He has quite the personality too. He loves to go for walks, loves to cuddle now and loves this cute little monkey head. It's a tiny head of a monkey and he carries it around our office. Sets it down, and then is happy to see his monkey head when he comes across it again later.
So, I guess you can tell, we love him very much. I never knew I could love a dog so much. He really has been a blessing the past year. I've been through some personal challenges and he is always my bright spot.
Thank you for Duncan.
Wendy Fenison
Duncan's 1st. Christmas 2008
I highly recommend Diane and her Poodles to anyone looking for a beautiful and happy Poodle puppy. Diane loves her dogs like they are her children...they receive the best of care and are kept groomed every 6-8 weeks...they always look so nice and pretty. She gives the best care she can give to her babies. They are raised in her house where she can love and play with them on a regular basis...not to mention spoil them too. Her puppies come vet checked, shots , wormed and very well socialized with an adorable puppy clip....if you live local she will groom your puppy, as she does grooming in her home. You can't go wrong with one of her puppies or Poodles as they are all so beautiful. I have seen her when she is so tired she could cry from getting up around the clock to bottle feed if one needs the extra care, that takes love in your heart and determanation to do the best job she can do.
Regards, Linda
We had a nice ride home and the little one was quite lively! She is tiny, but really active and does like to be held, which is a good thing. She has already pooped twice and wet once, so things are working pretty good. I think I need to get a little fanny pack to carry her in as I do my chores. I am hoping she has a restful night tonight, but will let you know. Those pictures were too cute. Have you had babies yet?
The little one is so adorable and did so well today with the pottie training. She actually took one of Stryker's bones away from him and pulled it into her area and went to work on it-she is so strong and smart. I love how her little tongue is always dangling out of her mouth and those big, brown eyes! Do I need to worry about her catching a cold when I take her outside for her pottie breaks? Yes, you were so right that she is so loving, much more so than Stryker.
Hope all is well,
The little one is doing very good and is quite a little go-getter! She has a better appetite than Stryker, which is totally surprising. She is not too interested in her petite bones, but would rather drag Stryker's around. The two are doing quite good together - it did take some time for Stryker to even acknowledge she was there, but now he looks for her when she is taking her nap. She will go in next week for her well baby check and I will know her exact weight-on the bathroom scale she weighs just under 1 pound. She likes to take a bath, but I have not had her clipped yet.
Your new babies are so darling!
Hope your new year is the best! I will let you know what her Doctor says....
Take Care,
We had our check up yesterday and the little one did quite well. She had her shots and weighed 1.5. She did need to have the hair in her ears pulled and had a slight infection, so is on medication. She has quite the personality and was a huge hit with the staff at the clinic.
Have a good day,
Cheryl Lonergan
Diane; hi! I've never done this before so let me know if you got their pictures ok? They are a handfull!! But, we love them soooooo much; and they are getting more and more spoiled with every passing day.
Thanks Karen
Hi!!! Your baby (Koki) is doing just fine and we love each other :) She is already spoiled... I had no doubt she would be the dog i dreamed about! The first time i saw her picture i knew she should be mine :) Everybody loves her and wants to pet :) She is popular in Salem now :):):) I made her first shot today but my vet told it is still not safe to go to parks... What do you think??? She loves to run and play!!!
I attached some pics of her...
Take care, and thanks for the cute dog :)
Hi Diane,
I was thinking about you. Eventually I will send you a picture of Misha and I. He is doing fine. He is the sweetest dog. Everyone loves him. At Thanksgiving I was ready to leave the house when my son called and said that everyone wanted me to bring Misha. He is an absolute angel. He has the run of my condo while I am at work. He loves other dogs. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He has gained a little weight. I was just leaving his food out but have now started to feed him twice a day.He is very affectionate.
How are you doing?
Take care. It was so nice to hear from you. Happy New Year!
Raleigh & Winston March all dressed up..
Hi Diane!
She is a very good girl and her weight now 3 lb and 4 oz. On December 06, when we got her she was less then 2 lb. We are doing potty training now. She is so playful and beautiful girl.
I see you have more poppies. Are they are from same parents? They are looking so beautiful.
Regards, Valery
Hi Diane!
Andy is doing wonderful! We named him Andy Doodle Dandy, and it fits him perfectly! He and Phoebe, our chihuahua, are best friends and are sleeping next to each other against my hip right now :) We have taken the two of them back to the coast a few times and they LOVED running on the beach together chasing the tides. Andy and my husband cuddle together on the couch during the day, and the kids are in love with him too. As for me, I couldnt be happier! He's a joy to have, perfect for grooming, and a wodnerful addition to our family! Thank you so much for such a great memeber of our family!
Cheryl-Andy's mom
Lady D's Oodles of Poodles
Specializing in AKC Toy Poodles
This page was last updated: December 3, 2024
We are home and he is doing great! Right at home! He has already fit right in with our family! Thank you so much!
Brody is doing great! He is very smart but a little stubborn with the potty training. But that is ok. We are working on it. Sophie and Brody are having so much fun playing together!
I hope the pics I sent come through.
Thanks again,
Hi Diane,
Babe did really well last night. He even listens if you tell him night-night. Robby made him a snuggy crate full of soft warm towels and socks and stuffed it with a pillow that we had that had two suffed dogs about his size on it. He actually slept like the baby that he is!!!! He pottied on our bed this morning (which is a miracle that he was even allowed up- cause baby was never allowed) and he pooed on the restroom floor. Well, as we know little one's need potty training. He is adorable and very sweet. He doesn't really know what to think about outside and wet grass but we are in training.
Thank-you for your kindness and encouragement. He is helping to fill a very empty spot in our hearts.
Have a Blessed Day,
Robby and Jenean Becker
Dear Diane, Babe spent the day w/ me (Robby) , and loves to ride in the car w/ me on my lap! Of course I "HAD" to go to Wal-Mart and get him some "special" treats. Babe is adjusting "VERY" well to us and our house! When I got home from shopping I put him in the Laundry room, (which is where He sleeps & eats) with his toy's and fresh water & food so I could put the groceries away, and He started whimpering & whining. I left him alone and after 5 minutes or so, He quit! Curious to see what He was up to, I peeked around the corner to find him wrestling & chewing on Mr. Rabbit, (His newly acquired toy & friend & bunk mate)!!! He is already proving himself to be just as smart and sweet as his predecessor!!! Thank's again Diane for helping Jesus to comfort those that mourn!!! Oh and by the way... He is already playing "fetch" w/ me with his tennis ball!!!!!! Will stay in touch!! May God richly bless you and your finances, and help you to continue to find "GOOD" Christian homes for these little sweethearts! Bye-Bye. Robby
Update on "Babe". He has to be the smartest little dog in the world! He is "ALREADY" taking care of business outside (5 days) !!! What a blessing!!! He continues to put a smile on our face, and a great warmth in our hearts! We love him very, very, much!!!!!!!!! We will send you some pics. soon! God Bless! Robby & Jenean
Hi Diane,
I just wanted to let you know how well things are going with our puppy "Kola". He's adjusted very well and is getting the hang of going potty outside. I just adore him and he has definitely bonded with me.
I just want to verify his birth date. The vaccination records say March 15 and your website says March 16th. Which day was it?
I'm attaching a photo we just took of Kola yesterday. He's so beautiful and sweet!!!
Take care.
Diane Kauk
Vancouver, WA
10 weeks old
I've attached the pictures.
Shes so playful and smart. We actually changed her name to Little Missy; it suits her personality more. Shes truly an angel. Our rottweiler loves his new "little sister"
More picture to come as she grows,
Thank you for our Little Missy,
Hi Diane,
I just wanted to give you an update on Little Missy. She is doing great. Shes growing so fast. She has such a funny personality. Whenever we're out and about, she's calm and quiet. As soon as we get home, she's a little monster (a good one, of course). We have a 4500 square foot home and she runs through every square inch and still has energy. We get a work out running after her. Our rottie, Taz, loves her. Missy bits his ears and nose and he just sits there and takes it. He likes makes sure shes okay running around the house. Every time someone wants to hold her, Taz watches them like an eagle, making sure they don't hurt her. He thinks he's her babysitter. When he's sitting on our couch, his feet hang off the edge and Missy likes to jump up and bite them while he's sleeping. She thinks its a game. Taz has learned to sleep through it.
She loves squeaky toys. She's so fast and only barks when she wants to play. She knows how to sit and we're working on other commands. She knows when and where she's supposed to go potty. She's too smart for her own good. She's so sweet and loving. We love our Little Missy!
Below is a link from our facebook account album, I have added more pictures of Little Missy which you can see and also save.
Thank you!
Jas and family
Hello,Gigi is 8 months and Simone is 5 months. They are the joy of our lives. Simone (white pup) is beautiful and is doing well in her puppy classes. She has learned to sit and to leave it or take it. She does not like having to la y down, but we are working on it. She is a joy. Gigi (the black one) is so loving and they make a great pair….
Sola (it meanssky in Japanese) who is very lovely!!!! Thank you very much.
Keep in touch,
Masaichi & Yumiko
I wish your Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
Masaichi & Yumiko
Hi Diane,
I am totally in love with Baby Jack. You did an excellent job taking care of my baby. He is so healthy, happy, playful, socialized, and loves to be held and kissed. This is the most adorable, sweet, and loving puppy I have ever had. He is just a doll. I can’t thank you enough for all the care, time, and dedication you give to the babies you bring into this world.
Baby Jack is working on crate training; his potty training is very easy. NO house potties. He has only wee and pooped outside. I keep him on a feeding and potty schedule and he takes to it so fast and easy. He is extremely playful and just a love. He is exactly what you said – I couldn’t be happier. He loves to follow me and stays very close to my feet. He is sleeping in the kennel cab right next to my pillow every night. He has slept through the night really well. He is ready for a potty break about 3 am to 4 am. He just bounces around the lawn. It is darling to watch him – I am just in love. We had our first walk yesterday and I carried him the entire time. He loved being outdoors, seeing the other dogs, and meeting the neighbors. He is eating and drinking just wonderful.
I will send you pictures and more stories.
How are you doing? I hope all is going well with Baby Jack’s litter mates, the black puppies, and your sweet mommies and daddies.
Take care, Janet Still
Jana Jones
Diane, I am so happy with my new could I not be: Since picking her up she has not complaned once, except a sad whimpering to leave her first family that lasted only about an hour. Then her fun curiosity and warm loving personality took over. She is smart, learn quickly, and iscalm and gentle...everything you said. I love her. Thank you so much for the love and affecion you clearly gave to this puppy in her first weeks. She loves to have her paws rubbed, her tummy rubbed and to snuggle. She is quiet and just beautiful. Your help in choosing the right puppy made for a perfect match. Thank you! Jana
Hi Diane,
Lucy is doing great. We are socializing her with our friends & family. She got a bath today when Maggie went to the beauty shop. She is doing great on crate training & went to bed on her own the last two nights. She plays hard in our back yard with lots of toys & Maggie. We love her very much.
I will send more pictures & post to your website soon.
My dear Diane,
Sorry this took so long to send. We are so blessed to have our babies. There are no words to dBescribe how much we love them. Doobie weighs almost 4 lbs and miss Maggie Mae weighs almost 3 lbs. Here are a few pics and I will try to send a video of their first experience with a mirror. Thank you so much for completing our family. JOHN & PATTI BUCKALEW (This little boy is my first Phantom Baby from my new line..)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone 10/20/2013
Oct 12 ,13
Rio is doing awesome! He is such a sweet dog. He has captured the hearts of everyone in our neighborhood. He is very well behaved and loves to please us. He is about eight months now and has made it to five and a half pounds and is about ten inches high. I attached some pictures of Rio and a video of he and I practicing agility. I have a few pictures of him in his Halloween costume too. I hope you enjoy the pictures and feel free to put it on your website if you wish. ;)
Thank you such much for all of your work with your dogs and their wonderful puppies.